
Securing the Border

Because the federal government has failed when it comes to securing our border, Charles Schwertner fought to pass legislation that gives law enforcement additional resources to crack down on drug cartels, terrorists and human smugglers. He also co-authored the sanctuary cities ban to keep our communities safe.

Protecting Private Property

Charles Schwertner passed landmark legislation that permanently protects the private property rights of all Texans against eminent domain abuse. For his leadership on private property rights, the Texas Farm Bureau AGFUND has endorsed Schwertner.

Defending Life and Liberty

As a constitutional conservative, Charles is a steadfast defender of our God-given constitutional rights; specifically our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. He is committed to the protection of innocent human life and passed legislation that prohibits dismemberment abortions and the selling of fetal tissue.

Defending the Second Amendment

Charles Schwertner is a staunch defender of the 2nd Amendment and has been “A” rated and endorsed by the NRA and Texas State Rifle Association (TSRA).

Improving Our Children’s Schools

As the father of three graduates from public schools, Charles Schwertner knows the importance of classroom excellence. He helped pass landmark public education reform that gives students and parents greater flexibility in tailoring a curriculum that supports a student’s individual interests. He also reduced the number of high-stakes, standardized tests from 15 down to 5, so teachers have more time to focus on instruction and education, rather than simply teaching to the test.

Schwertner has also fought to expand schools choice in Texas and provide parents and students with the freedom to decide the setting that best fits their educational needs.

Protecting Seniors from Abuse

As Chair of the Health and Human Services Committee, Charles Schwertner played a leading role in fighting against bad nursing homes in Texas and passed legislation to protect seniors from abuse and neglect.

Protecting Vulnerable Children

Charles Schwertner has worked to protect Texas children by increasing funding for Child Protective Services and fighting to protect children at risk of abuse or neglect.

Fighting Obamacare

Since its passage in 2009, Americans from every walk of life have come face-to-face with the stark realities of Obamacare: millions of health insurance policies cancelled, skyrocketing premiums, rising deductibles, and the frustration felt by anyone attempting to purchase coverage through Obamacare’s top-down, Washington-first mentality has been an unmitigated disaster for the American healthcare system. You deserve the right to make your own healthcare choices, and no government has the right to interject itself between you and your doctor.

As your voice in the Texas Senate, I’ve used my firsthand experience as a physician to fight back against Obamacare and protect the rights of patients. As a diligent steward of our taxpayer dollars, I will continue to fight fraud and abuse in our state’s overburdened Medicaid program.


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Dr. Schwertner


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